Thursday, February 27, 2014

Menu Mondays: Feb 24- March 2, 2014- Healthy Eating!

What a week! My whole family seems to be in such horrible moods, couldn't be because the winter has been so long, cold and bitter!  

 At least the sun has been out for the most part these last few days, that never fails to place a smile on my face!!

In that vein, like it or not, we are going to eat healthier!! I think when you get the proper nutrition your body just responds and your mood lightens. Not being bogged down with artificial flavors, dyes, or sweeteners is a step in the right direction too. 

Eventually the Family's attitude
will improve 
because of eating better...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cabbage Rolls

Cabbage Rolls...

Just the mention of it and I get all nostalgic and stuff remembering my wedding day and the BEST cabbage rolls I ever ate!! 
I never did get the recipe from the caterer,but I did find this recipe and tweaked it a bit,and it tastes just like I remember!

Pic Credit
  • 1 Cabbage Head
  • 1 Lb uncooked 80% Lean Ground Beef
  • 1 C uncooked rice
  • 16 Oz Tomato Puree
  • 1 T Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 T Brown Sugar
  • 2 t Lemon Juice
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Menu Mondays: February 17- 24, 2014

This week I received my menu inspiration from the

Taste of Home website.  

Before my days of using the Internet & Food Network for cooking influence- I would save each TOH magazine and insert with recipe index side up in a sheet protector w/my favorite recipes highlighted and then place 2 years worth of issues into a 3-Ring binder. 

Yeah, I have always been a geek that way, LOL! That is also how I would plan my freezer cooking sessions and basically how I learned to cook and keep a house before we got cable TV and my beloved Internet. 

In honor of TOH magazine & the great reading material plus motivation this magazine provides, I dedicate my menu week~