Monday, October 27, 2014

In Tha Muthahood...LOVE this!! You gotta check this out!!

So very funny!! My sister posted this on my FB profile and I thought I MUST post this..NJOY!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Top Ten Money Saving Tips to Keep Meals tight and on BUDGET!

When I first got married our weekly grocery 

budget was...wait for it...

you best sit down!! 

$25/week!! YIKES!! Totally TRUE! 


Awww... How cute were we? Circa 1994


We made about $850/month GROSS between the both of us!! NO lie. 

Easy and QUICK Homemade Creamy Tomato Soup from Scratch!!

Crisp Fall Evenings...

Pic Credit

Just seem to call for Soup!

Velvety- Rich and Creamy Tomato Soup

What do you do when you are out of tomato soup? 

Why make it from scratch Of COURSE!!! Not only will be it cheaper and healthier- it will be tastier too!!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Cheap and East Budget Friendly Meal Plan: 10-6-12, 2014

I am SO excited!!!  

This week I decided to become an Independent Consultant for Jamberry Nails!! This is a vinyl nail wrap company featuring 300+ designs of the most fashionable and gorgeous designs, french manicures and if that isn't enough customers can create customizable wraps using Jamberry Nails' Nail Art Studio!! 

One of my favorite Jam'icures using: PuppyLove,MadMod, Wh MiniPolka& StormySeas
Another ex: Autism Awareness w/White Clear Chevron








LOVE this french w/Skyline JN Wraps!!


 If you would like to order directly from me or host a FB party click here!

To order a sample (FREE SHIPPING) please inbox me your address and I will send you a free accent nail to try before you buy!!:

Ok, now on to the menu plan!! This week with so much activity  launching my Independent Jamberry Nails Consultant party and getting the word out about my newest venture plus taking care of my Social Media Marketing Business, homeschooling, Co-Op, AHG, AWANA, my Bi-monthly facial treatments, teacher's conference, bible study, soccer lesson, and Fall Festival trip on Sat...I NEED something QUICK & SIMPLE this week!