Monday, November 17, 2014

Cheap, Quick, & Easy Family Friendly Meal Plan: 11-16-14

Let the Craziness BEGIN!! So the holidays are a coming, in case the "Christmas Creep" displays in mid October didn't scream that to you even before the leaves had a chance to turn color let alone FALL for crying outloud! 

What are you planning on making for Thanksgiving? Do you stay tried and true or do you like to live vicariously through TV Chefs and make gourmet FOODIE type fare?

 NOT To prove my total dorkiness, but I have a notebook from way back circa Thanksgiving 1997 that not only has a meal plan, but a recipe list, grocery list, time table, and notes!! I still refer back to that time table and chore list so I can keep on time. I have scaled back as that was before children and I could crank out 5 side dishes, 6 pies, and made every single item from scratch. 


This week is my calm before the storm, I plan on making some holiday cookies, but mainly eating as healthy as possible so when I have my 3 Thanksgivings in a row I won't gain too much!!

Breakfast Options:
Blueberry Breakfast Cake, Pancakes, Mason Jar Oatmeal, Eggs your way, Toasted points, Turkey Sausage, Fresh Fruit, Smoothies, Rainbow Fruit Yogurt Parfait, & Cold Cereal

Lunch Time Offerings:
Falafel with Tzatziki Sauce (my favorite!) & carrots with dippings
Great Idea to get kids to eat veggies!
Homemade Tomato Soup & Grilled Fresh made Sour Dough Cheddar Cheese Sammies
Stuffed Crescent Roll Sammies, veggie and dippings, and jello
Meatball Sliders, veggie chips, applesauce
Sneaky Mac & Cheese (w/2-3 pureed carrots in the sauce!) steamed broccoli and ranch dressing
Skewers Sandwiches w/sweet potato chips, & yogurt.

Snack Time Fare:
Cottage Cheese w/Pineapple Chunks, Mandarin Oranges in Orange Jello, Yogurt, Cheese Plate, Veggies & Dippings, Hard Cooked Eggs, Peanut Butter Apple Slices w/Glass of Milk, Fruit & Veggie Smoothies, Cream Cheese Ants on a Log, Banana Ice Cream, & Yogurt Bark.

Supper Selections:
Chicken Paprikash w/Halushka Noodles and Chopped Veggie Salad
Meatless Monday:
Zucchini Patties on Whole Wheat Bread w/Tahini Sauce, Steamed 
Broccoli and Chocolate Pudding
Chicken Scalapini w/Angel Hair Pasta, Roasted Asparagus, and Baby Kale & Spinach Salad
(This is my father's 70th Birthday party so not going low-cal!)
YYO {Your on Your OWN} Mom's night OUT!!
MYO Pizza Night! Potato Chips, and Homemade Cookies
Homemade Bolognese Sauce w/Meatballs, Garlic Buttered Mozzerella Cheesey Bread, Chopped Salad, and Pumpkin Cheesecake with Spiced Whipped Cream
KAPUSTA- Cabbage Soup w/crusty Bread and Herbed EVOO and chopped Veg Salad

 Linked to MenuMondays

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