It has been way to long since I have been posting "Frugal Fridays",
I really have been juggling quite a load lately.
The household needs some SERIOUS TLC with all the surgeries, recovery periods, and now learning to cope with chronic pain "while homeschooling a precocious preschooler and special needs toddler, who only knows 2 speeds FAST & FASTER" & receives therapy 1-2/week for speech, occupational, & physical needs.
III YIII YII!! Some days I just wish we never needed rest or at least could feel refreshingly rested even after less than 4 hours of sleep...some women make that look easy, yeah, I am SO NOT one of them, I NEED 7 hours of sleep or I am one grumpy, unfocused, dingy, bear...
So ANYWAYSSSSSSS, Sheesh, I found some old frugal files from back in the early part of 2000's....
Each week I thought I would share some of the cream of the crop so to speak! :-)